Monday, January 12, 2009

Honors for the Ugly!

I started keying this thought after reading an article written by Hasan Suroor in the Hindu about the themes that were portrayed by Slumdog Millionaire and White Tiger, which have been in the center of the news lately. In the article Suroor goes on to exclaim that it is the reality that the acclaimed works have painted, which had been clouded in the euphoric and yet false claim of Incredible India! It was interesting for me to read this article as I happened to read the book and then see the movie in quick succession and the similarity between the themes selected seemed to loom large on me. To be very frank, I was not totally amused by White Tiger which actually had left a bitter taste and the movie only seemed to have heightened the bitterness!

Despite my disappointment I’m not trying to mark the two acclaimed works as false denotation of a contrary reality, of course there is bitterness in our society, which has plagued us for generations now. However this isn’t the complete truth as well. Life as portrayed in any drama or writing is not always in the black and white areas rather they are always in the ‘dynamic grey zone’. India is not all about its stagnant and rotting poverty along with the stinking rich standing only as a contrast. As many other nations, India is a country on the move and in my feeling it is pretty much on a very flexible and relatively positive direction despite of the slowness.

My disappointment with SDM and White Tiger is because these works are not extraordinary in their domain to be awarded the honors that they received. In my opinion as a reader and an unbiased film viewer, there have been better presented and better narrated works, which probably have not been even considered for the honors. Although I have not seen or read all the other works which were competing with SDM and white tiger, but it is quite difficult to be believe that no other work was good enough to beat these ‘just above average’ works! Thus it leaves me in a doubt whether the so called judges for such awards are looking for a portrayal of negatives as the most positive aspect for getting the award!

The even bigger disappointment is that this is probably the first time that a film with such strong Indian content has been recognized in such a big way at an international forum and unfortunately it is a tale of the ugly side of India. In my view a piece of art should be in context of its time and should have a positive epitope to inspire its seekers. The tale of rags to riches as only a ‘matter of luck’ (or destiny!) and a murderous path way to Success (that too addressed to Wen Jiabao!) is neither inspiring nor worth noting. There are more astounding paths and stories in this country that would be worthy to grab the attention of the world and even more so when it is presented as a fiction!


Marauder said...

True, like typical Indian cinema, where picturization of extremities set cash registers ringing, Golden Globe selection of winners may also have suffered from a similar fate.

Having said that,I've some divergent views. True, it may be showing India Inc. in a way that may not be the popular norm about our nation in current times. I feel it is just a movie and more than the theme, the way in which it has been made decides the winner.

Also, themes such as Muslim- Hindu divide is getting much more contemporary after 26/11 and had Maniratnam released Bombay 13.5 years later in December 2008, the consequences of it may have been unimaginable. Recollect that Maniratnam had received death threats in 1996 itself as mark of protest against Bombay. The degree of freedom which an Indian film maker cannot afford, Danny boyle can.

Coming to the categories, Slumdog millionaire won in screenplay and music score. I have seen Curious case of Benjamin Button, Frost/Nixon. I have heard of Changeling and Doubt. Except for Curious Case of Benjamin Button which had an out-of-the-world story line,the other movies were not that impressive in the way in which the story was told. I, personally have not seen a similar style of screenplay like that of Slumdog millionaire before. A simple, run-off-the-mill stuff, screenplay was its major strength. Music, Benjamin Button was quite exceptional too. But Rahman simply managed to keep the audience attention glued whenever the story seemed to be running into vacuum. Trust me, I listen to lot of English movie soundtracks, this one was as good as any I have heard.

I guess as drivers of global economy, young Indians like us have a right to feel aggrieved about the manner in which still some foreigners see us as inhabitants of the land of snake charmers. Its ironic that this poor economic depiction has culminated in a widespread celebrations across the country. Having said that, it's reel after all and we can afford to take it easy on our senses.

On a separate nore, as a Rahman fan, I am quite elated. :D

Anonymous said...

Never knew u blogged :) Will follow it up regularly. BTW- some of the posts are just too good....

Once u become a big man...these posts will be featured in "Making of the BIG MAN " show on some news channel

Anonymous said...

Very true, it doesnt give a good remark on the nation. I wonder why Danny Boyle wants to highlight on sensitive matter and depict our nation worldwide that "this is what India is". Will it not give a negative image to foreigners?
The whole world is praising and appreciating the work done, is this not an absurd conclusion drawn? I am not really aware of the parameters they take into consideration for giving them such a prestigious award, but as a layman i really dont see any single reason for it to be awarded.

Well we do have crtical problems which most of the nations have. If Denny would have pictured on country's lack of security(parliament attack, mumbai terror) which is an acute problem the country is facing, may be it would be an eye opener for our so called ministers who are in charge of it....atleast it would be convincing, but he shoudnt have worked on such a sensitive issue where in no one can raise our voices.
Hope he has not chosen Rahman to compose the music because of religion he belong to. AR has composed really awesome music for many more which is not recognised....but why is it being highlighted for just one song which is an ordinay one?
Well i could say the work is not that extraordinary one which could fetch them an extraordinary award. I pitty on the other nominees who missed it!

Unknown said...

I agree to a certain extent with your views..but y do we forget that the field of cinema is all about channelizing your imaginative and creative freedom?

none of us can deny the fact that dharavi, where the film plot is conceived,is located rite in front of the posh high rise buildings of mumbai!!
may be scenes like the kid emerging from cess pit to take an autograph seem gross..but not to forget ours is a country where people build temples for popular public figures when they succeed n throw stones at the same person[read dhoni] or his/her house when failure knocks!
in this context what he tries to portray is to an extent true..isn't it?

India is a multi-facet entity with extreme contradictions.Instead of being in constant denial mode, we should search our souls as to what is our responsibility towards such extremities.

If ever a fellow compatriot of ours directed it,wouldn't we applaud him saying 'its a realistic movie' or for that matter eye opener?
Then y be biased towards Danny?

And i have no authority to comment on THE WHITE TIGER, as i haven't laid my hands on it...

Abhi said...

yeah man.. white tiger was utterly disappointing.. atleast it didnt seem like it deserved the booker prize. You summed it up right in the title when u said honors for the ugly, but then the story does portray the ugly truth of our country, Though not extraordinary, i feel it is entirely believable. As for the presentation, though it may seem crass, I have no qualms about it. Since it was presented in the first person view of this guy from the so called 'darkness'


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