Monday, December 7, 2009

Climate Change - A binding argument...

What has been termed as the most important negotiation in the history of the modern civilization, has started in Copenhagen. Like any other global level negotiation, these talks have also started of a war b/w the North and South (read developed and developing) worlds with out realizing that its the same world that we share. India is likely to take a stand which will reflect the views of 'some' emerging nations (BASIC nations). Its the best political stand that a country like India can take to counter the developed world which refuses pay for its misdeeds, yet I wouldn't draw my hands for a full applause for the Indian stand!

Despite of my strong support for 'Polluters Pay' and 'per capita estimation of emission'principles, I have to admit that I'm in favour of legally binding cuts for all. The reason for this thought is a mix of realism and ideals as well.

Lets face it, climate change is for real and there is no going back on that. India being a monsoon oriented country, the effect on our lives will be drastic. 75% directly and 100% (indirectly) - of our population will face disaster if the same state of affairs go on. Himalayan glacier shrinkage is a civilizational question, these glaciers have been the roots for the growth this country. The revered rivers that draw their main energy from these milky ice lakes feed millions. Their withdrawal can only be compared to the withdrawal of life support systems from a critical ill patient.

If US or any western countries are vacillating they are doing so at their own peril but they don't understand it like us as they are not as closely in tune with nature like us. Their present stand is born out of arrogance against poorer nations and nature herself drawing pride in their urbane achievements. If countries like India have to bring them to terms, they have to do so by showing their seriousness. If this is done voluntarily rather than western induced methods then India will be taking the wind away from the western boats which are looking for a excuse to run away from the table.

Moreover the cost which most countries are talking about is a short term effect. This definitely has to be cushioned but converting our economy in to a sustainable one is for our own good. The present models of production are western imitations but the present turn of events have provided us a chance to tweak the economy in our own terms. In my estimate this will create more jobs despite of reducing the pace of the GDP growth which at present is a jobless growth. Every aspect of production will be realigned and in a globalized world this will create more opportunities for a cost effective country like India.

It is interesting to note that the short term effects of the transition will effect the capitalistic class more than the poorer classes in this country of disparities. It is no wonder that the association of capitalists are jittery even to the thought that India may agree for any kind of binding cuts. A status quo will help them continue their western aped nature's exploitation without a jolt. The eternal truth of life is that manipulation of nature effects the poor more than the rich who live in an artificial world of ACs and tall raised building with access to safest modes of life(oblivious to sustainability)!


Satish T J said...

Sir .. if we accept to legal bindings .. Do you think poor is saved ??

One thing may be educate each kid abt sw and make him a sw engineer b4 he reaches 10th !!

Else the industries obviously get a hit .. What do you think ? Its something double edged

BSV said...

(I think the following chat thread can be a very good clarification)

satish: namskara sir

By accepting legal binding
9:12 PM
how do u think poor is saved?

Yeah .. on the front of .. negotiation it a good thing

for voluntary limits ..

But binding ??
9:13 PM
me: Yes ... otherwise there will be no binding at all

It will become like MDGs

satish: Thats what we r trying at ... right ..
9:14 PM
If binding comes off then .. It will be like we have to do

But the question is can we?

me: The answer is an astounding yes

do u know y

satish: Y?
9:15 PM
me: Just pull out the list of industrial pollutors in India

All the natural resource exploiters come at the top
9:16 PM
full and irrationally distributed among a few capitalists

This gaga abt pollution and legal binding cuts will not afect India so much as it cam hit developed nation
9:17 PM
I mean in the economic structures

We are irreversible in our structure ..which is still developing
9:18 PM
This is the chance to provide real quality of life to our poor class at govt cost

satish: Hmmm .. point taken ..

nice thought ..
9:19 PM
me: lol.. I thought I had type more


satish: U r right .. but now if we take legal binding .. It would reduce the capitalist richness but how does it go to the poor

any way .. wat Im talking abt in not communism
9:22 PM
(binding cuts topic)

wat Im saying is that this is a grt chance to realign our production processes
9:23 PM
satish: That will be mkt for US companies


selling their clean tech like nuclear tech

me: Thats only small part of it
9:24 PM
Nuclear tech in a country like India cant spread too widely

It will not make economic sense
9:25 PM
But what it encourages is creation of so called green jobs!

which require more people or labour
9:26 PM
and when u take in a holistic way ... green concept can be induced in to any thing and everything

satish: Very good pnt sir ..labour ..

Green == Labour intensive

me: exactly

satish: A food for thought


me: gandhi's vision

its all here .. he just doesnt die
9:27 PM
satish: Is it really so ??

me: ya

he had told a long time back ...

satish: Gandhigiri is back !!

Gandhigiri and Climate change !!

nice essay topic :)

BSV said...

After the revelations that the some critical findings of IPCC was yet another cut copy paste goof up or a 'Himalayan Blunder' as some would say, I was looking for a balanced discussion on this issue and here is a link which does throw up one...


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